



A bunion (or funion as we like to call them) is a bump on the side of the big toe joint. It is a result of the bone structure changing due to external forces. Some people are more susceptible to bunions due to their foot type and footwear choice. Initially, a bunion may not be noticeable. However, as time goes on the bunion can worsen, leading to painful complications.


The most common indicator of a bunion is a bump on the side of the big toe joint. In addition to the bump, you may also experience limited joint mobility, inflamed skin around the joint of the big toe, calluses on the second toe, and pain on the top and side of the big toe joint.


Bunions are often caused by a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Certain foot types are inherently prone to getting bunions due to bone structure. Genetics plays the main role in the development of a bunion. However, environmental factors such as footwear and activities can encourage bunions. Narrow shoes, in particular, can cause the toes to be pushed together. This can lead to a bunion.



Possible treatments

Usually, bunions can be resolved without the need for surgery. Proper footwear and orthotics, for instance, can be very effective against bunions. Below are some treatments for bunions.